The Woodlands Chinese School



林子中文学校成立于2003年秋,是一所在德州注册的非盈利机构。这些年来,我们先后得到教会和孤星学院(原蒙哥马利学院)帮助,并得到我们老师和 众多家长的大力支持和协助,在此我们表示衷心地感谢!在大家的努力下我们学校从开始时二十几个学生、两个班到现在近九十个学生、七个班。学生在增加,学校 在壮大,越来越多的人开始关注我们学校。我们中文学校不仅仅为孩子们提供了学习中文的场所,也为在此地区的家长们创造了互相认识和交流的机会。




The Woodlands Chinese School is a registered non-profit organization. We are located at Lone Star College – Montgomery Campus in The Woodlands, Texas. In the fall of 2003, the school started with two classes and 20 students. It has now expanded to about 90 students in 7 classes. The school is not only a place for Chinese education, it is also a bustling hub of recreational activities and culture exchange, providing a venue and creating opportunities for parents and others to meet and communicate.

The school offers all levels of Mandarin Chinese education, from beginning introductory classes, to advanced classes. All our instructors are highly qualified and experienced. For further information please contact The Woodlands Chinese School.

We would like to thank Lone Star College and The Woodlands Methodist Church for their help. We also thank our teachers and parents for their invaluable support.